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Advanced Course for Java


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By the end of this course, you will:

  • Master Java fundamentals, including Object-Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, and domain modeling.
  • Develop and manage REST and GraphQL APIs, and handle relational databases with ORMs.
  • Implement web development frameworks like Spring MVC and ensure security and authentication using tools like AWS Cognito.
  • Design, develop, and deploy mobile applications for Android using Android Studio and publish them on the Google Play Store.
  • Utilize AWS services such as AWS S3, AWS DynamoDB, and AWS Amplify for cloud services deployment
Study web development
Please ensure to have a computer that meets the specified requirements:


  • Supported operating systems: macOS, Linux, or Windows (Pro edition required).
  • Latest OS version, fully up to date.
  • All security updates installed.
  • At least 100GB of free space on the hard drive.
  • At least 16GB of RAM, 32GB RAM is strongly preferred.
  • Support for video conferencing and screen-sharing, with a reliable webcam and microphone.



Module 1

  • Kickoff and Intro to Java
  • Intro To Java, Part 2
  •  Maps/Sets, Packages, File I/O, and Exceptions
  • Object-Oriented Programming, Domain Modeling, Command-Line Arguments
  • Career Coaching Workshop 01 – Resume Workshop
  • DSA

Module 2

  • Inheritance
  • Interfaces And Other Class Relationships
  • JSON & External Libraries
  • Java And The Web Request-Response Cycle
  • Career Coaching Workshop – Personal Pitch Workshop
  • Dsa Stacks And Queues – Stacks & Queues

Module 3

  •  Intro to Spring MVC
  • Spring, RESTful Routing, And Persistence
  • More JPA, And Integration Testing
  • Authentication With Bcrypt And Sessions
  • Career Coaching Workshop 03 – Job Search Workshop
  • Dsa Trees – Trees

Module 4

  • Creating User Accounts and Authenticating Users
  • Authorizing Users to View Secured Content
  • Sanitizing User Input, And Many-To-Many Relationships
  • Stream Processing Using Collections And Lambdas

Module 5 - Project Week Kickoff

  • Day One: Domain Model, Databases, Deployment
  • Day Two: Minimum Viable Product
  • Day Three: Additional Features
  • Day Four: Additional Features and Mock Presentation

Module 6

  • Android Basics – Activities, Layouts, Event Handlers, And Intents
  • SharedPreferences, Passing Data With Extras, And Integration Testing
  • RecyclerViews
  • Room
  • Career Coaching Workshop 04 – Behavioral Interviews Workshop
  • Dsa – Hash Tables

Module 7

  • AWS Amplify, Part 1
  • AWS Amplify, Part 2
  • One-To-Many / Many-To-One Relationships In GraphQL And DynamoDb
  • Publishing To The Google Play Store
  • Career Coaching Workshop 05 – Technical Interviewing Workshop
  • Dsa – Graphs

Module 8

  • Authentication With Cognito
  • S3 Storage
  • Intent Filters
  • Location
  • Coaching Workshop 06 – Personal Pitch Workshop

Module 9

  • Analytics And Text-To-Speech
  • Monetization And AdMob Ads
  • Open Source Contribution
  • Ethics
To successfully pass the class, students should aim to reach a minimum of 90% of the available points. We’ve created a flexible environment which will enable you to have the best learning experience and elevate you on to greater heights. 
Punctuality, participation in discussions, completion of assignments, and demonstration of professional courtesy to others are required, in accordance with our Code of Conduct. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class. Passing requires at least 90% attendance. Students should always contact the instructors ahead of time if they are unable to attend all or part of the published class/lab hours.

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