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Data Engineering


Course Details


Program Length: 8 weeks  

Class schedule

Class Length: 2 hours

Original Price: 1000

With IT Labs Scholarship: 499 €*


This course will provide you with:

  • A solid foundation in data engineering
  • Preparation, to tackle real-world data challenges
  • A path to a successful career in data engineering
Please ensure to have a computer that meets the specified requirements:


  • Supported operating systems: macOS, Linux, or Windows (Pro edition required).
  • Latest OS version, fully up to date.
  • All security updates installed.
  • At least 100GB of free space on the hard drive.
  • At least 16GB of RAM, 32GB RAM is strongly preferred.
  • Support for video conferencing and screen-sharing, with a reliable webcam and microphone.


  • Intro to Python, basic syntax, data types, variable declarations, conditions, loops and strings
  • Data structures, lists, tuples and ranges
  • Dictionaries and sets
  • Functions and modules
  • Libraries for data processing and data visualization in Python (NumPy,
  • Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn)
  • Virtual Environments

Data Formats

  • JSON
  • XML
  • CSV

Introduction to Big Data

  • Definition and Characteristics
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • Use Cases
  • Big Data Enabling Technologies


  • Relational databases
  • SQL
  • NoSQL databases
  • Vector databases
  • Graph databases
  • S3
  • Azure blob

Data Modeling

  • Data design and modeling
  • Normalization


  • Data discovery
  • Data integration
  • Transformation and enrichment

Data Warehousing

  • Introduction to Data Warehousing
  • What is the role of Data Warehousing

Data Lakes

  • Introduction to Data Lakes
  • What is the role of Data Lakes

ETL processes

  • Basics of ETL processes and tools.
  • Building ETL processes.
To successfully pass the class, students should aim to reach a minimum of 90% of the available points. We’ve created a flexible environment which will enable you to have the best learning experience and elevate you on to greater heights. 
Punctuality, participation in discussions, completion of assignments, and demonstration of professional courtesy to others are required, in accordance with our Code of Conduct. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every class. Passing requires at least 90% attendance. Students should always contact the instructors ahead of time if they are unable to attend all or part of the published class/lab hours.

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