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Becoming a programmer

Why Learn JavaScript?

In the ever-expanding world of technology, one language stands out as a beacon of opportunity for young students – JavaScript. Its simplicity makes it an essential tool for aspiring tech enthusiasts. So, why should you learn JavaScript? Let’s find out!


As one of the most used programming languages, especially in the digital era of websites, JavaScript is a constant. JavaScript remains a staple regardless of how much the digital world is changing and evolving. Learning it will secure your future in tech because JavaScript is here to stay.

Conquer the Web 

JavaScript beautifies the internet. It has the power to make all websites more dynamic, engaging, and interactive. By mastering JavaScript, you hold the key to the entire internet. You can build memorable and captivating websites and deliver incredible user experiences. 

One Step Closer to Full-Stack  

If you decide to learn JavaScript, alongside HTML and CSS, you will open the door to full-stack development. That means you can build both the front-end and back-end of web pages and applications, an ability that will transform you into a formidable developer. 


JavaScript is a versatile language. That means working with it will never become mundane and boring. Moreover, it’s continuously growing and evolving, bringing new challenges and exciting opportunities with each new day.

Job Security 

There is a reason why JavaScript is the most used language this year! That said, there is still a high need for JavaScript developers in the tech landscape. Companies eagerly hire those who understand this powerful programming language, often leading to job security and competitive salaries.

Vibrant Community  

JavaScript has one of the tech industry’s most vibrant and engaging online communities. This community consists of developers who are always eager to help and share their knowledge. The wealth of resources available means you’re never alone on your learning journey. 

What Can You Do with JavaScript?

  • Web Developer 
  • Mobile App Developer 
  • Desktop App Developer 
  • Game Developer 
  • Backend Developer 
  • DevOps Engineer 
  • Data Analyst/Data Visualization Engineer 
  • IoT Developer 
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer 
  • Technical Support/Technical Writing 
  • UI/UX Designer 



Why Learn HTML and CSS?

Are you ready to dive into the incredible world of web development? Well, there’s no better place to start than with HTML and CSS. These two coding twins are your gateway to creating exceptional and engaging websites. Here’s why you should consider learning HTML and CSS!

Ease of Learning

Same with the other languages, HTML and CSS have a learning curve. That said, they are relatively easy to learn compared to the rest. They are intuitive and straightforward, making them one of the best choices for beginners.

Universal Languages

HTML and CSS can easily be considered as universal standards in the world of software and web development. They seamlessly work across all platforms and browsers. They can help you easily create content that will be accessible to a wide audience.

Web Development Essentials

If you’re interested in web development, HTML and CSS are non-negotiable. As we already mentioned, HTML defines the content and structure of a webpage, while CSS is used for styling and layout. You can only create a website by knowing and understanding these two languages.

Instant Gratification

From the first moment you start working with HTML and CSS, you will fall in love with quick feedback. As you code, you see the changes instantly. It’s like watching your masterpiece unfold right in front of your eyes. And nothing beats the feeling of, “Hey, I built that!”

Creativity and Design

Learning CSS will enable you to tap into your inner creative side. If you are a designer in your heart, HTML and CSS can become your playground. They will give you the power to design and style websites to make them look memorable, engaging, and user-friendly.

Career Opportunities

When did you last see a business or professional without a website? Proficiency in HTML and CSS is a valuable skill in the job market. Web developers and designers are in high demand, opening the door to many career opportunities.

What Can You Do with HTML and CSS?

  • Web Developer 
  • Front-End Developer 
  • UI/UX Designer 
  • Email Developer 
  • WordPress Developer 
  • Digital Marketing Specialist 
  • Content Manager/Editor 
  • SEO Specialist 
  • Customer Support/Technical Writing 
  • E-Learning Developer 
  • Graphic Designer 
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Tester 


Software Engineer as a career

Why Learn Python?

Are you a young tech enthusiast who likes to be challenged? Let’s talk about why you should learn Python, the programming language that’s a perfect fit for beginners and a gateway to endless future opportunities. Here’s why you should dive right in!


Python is an unexpectedly versatile language. You can use it in various fields, including web development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, scientific computing, and much more. Its wide range of applications means you choose different career paths based on your interests. 

In-Demand Skill 

As one of the most popular programming languages, Python is in high demand. Learning Python can lead to unique and lucrative job opportunities that not many other programming languages can offer. From startups to giants, Python developers are always in need.

Data Science and Machine Learning 

Some unique tech pathways Python opens are data science and machine learning. In fact, Python is a must-know language if you want to build a career in these industries. With powerful libraries and frameworks, Python can simplify even the most complex tasks seamlessly.


If you are interested in automation, Python should be your first choice. The way it’s built, it’s perfect for automating repetitive tasks. Whether you want to streamline file management, web scraping, or any other process, Python saves you both time and effort.

Web Development 

Python’s versatility makes it an excellent choice for many tech industries, including web development. You can create dynamic, feature-rich websites with frameworks like Django and Flask. Moreover, you can build a user experience like no other.

Your Ticket to the World of Science

If you have ambitions to enter the fields of physics, astronomy, biology, or similar science areas, Python could be your best chance. There are many job opportunities for tech students studying Python who are looking to build a career in various engineering and scientific fields.

What Can You Do with Python?

  • Software Developer/Engineer 
  • Web Developer 
  • Data Scientist 
  • Machine Learning Engineer 
  • Data Analyst 
  • Data Engineer 
  • DevOps Engineer 
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer 
  • Network Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
  • Robotics Engineer
  • Game Developer
  • Quantitative Analyst (Quant)
  • GIS Analyst
  • Technical Writer
